A.W.A.K.E. and CPAP user groups/meetings
Bellevue, WA
Eastside A.W.A.K.E.
Kimberlee Lonergan MSN, ARNP
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly
Website: http://klonergan@creeksidesleepcenter.com
Bellingham, WA
Puget Sound Sleepers A.W.A.K.E.
Susan M. Moore, RRT
Meeting Schedule: Bi-monthly (odd months)
East Wenatchee, WA
Central Washington A.W.A.K.E.
Bree Feil
Kirkland, WA
Sound Sleep and A.W.A.K.E.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly every 6 weeks
Lakewood, WA
South Tahoma A.W.A.K.E.
Sally Jones
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly
Port Townsend, WA
CPAP Users Group
Meeting Schedule: Monthly First Wednesday of every month, noon to 1pm
Jefferson Healthcare/Jefferson Sleep Center, 834 Sheridan, Port Townsend
Walla Walla, WA
Sleep Apnea Walla Walla
Mindy Postlewait
509.527.8000 ext 3088
Meeting Schedule: Monthly First Thursday of every month
If your clinic, lab or medical center hosts an active sleep disorders support group such as A.W.A.K.E. or a CPAP Users Group and you would like to list it on this page, please contact the webmaster via email at: washingtonstatesleepsociety@gmail.com