
Updated CEUs for this year's conference = opportunities for nurses

NURSES, take advantage of this great opportunity to gather more CEUs and learn about sleep health!

Download the updated brochure for the Washington State Sleep Society annual meeting for 2016

Ganésco is the accredited Nursing Provider for this year's Washington State Sleep Society annual meeting. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number # CEP-16651, for up to 13.25 contact hours.

Ganésco, Inc. does not warrant that all professional organizations or licensing authorities will accept its CE contact hours. If in doubt, nurses are advised to contact their professional organizations or licensing authorities to confirm their acceptance of these contact hours.

About this year's online courses

Attendees will be given a discount code at the conference for four online courses at www.ganesco.com. These online courses have either AARC, AAST or CABRN accreditation.

It is the responsibility of each professional licensee to understand what his or her state licensing board requires for license renewal, as well as what that licensing board identifies as acceptable continuing education.

Please contact your board for verification if you are unsure of your continuing education requirements or if the accreditation is approved by the board.

Download the updated brochure for the Washington State Sleep Society annual meeting for 2016