
Welcome to the conference: Vishesh K. Kapur MD


Lecture on Saturday, October 13:
"Obstructive Sleep Apnea: State of the Art Care
Vishesh K. Kapur MD MPH is a board-certified sleep physician and pulmonologist, founder of the UW Medicine Sleep Medicine Clinic and UW’s director of Sleep Medicine. He is also a UW professor of Medicine and Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and an adjunct professor of Neurology. 

Dr. Kapur earned his M.D. at Yale. His clinical and research interests include complex and difficult-to-treat types of sleep apnea, epidemiology and outcomes in sleep apnea, health-care utilization and sleep apnea and ambulatory diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea. 

He has published research over the last 30 years on sleep disorders and sleep health, specializing in topics related to sleep-disordered breathing.